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History of ICB

International Computer Brokers - ICB - History

Third Dimension Limited, founded in May 1997, is a media development business which develops web sites and provides other IT related services.  In October 2001, we identified an opportunity to use our web site development skills to establish a web based marketing portal for the traders and brokers of new and used computer components and mobile phones.  We had extensive experience in developing advertising web sites as we owned a number of town web sites (e.g. www.yeoviltown.com).

We recognised that CPU traders and HDD traders needed up-to-date information to facilitate their trades because, in such a dynamic market where profit levels were small, even the shortest delay between agreeing a purchase price and agreeing a selling price with a buyer could cause a change from profit to loss on the deal.  Initially we found the industry very protective about their preferred customers and suppliers, but as traders realised the power of our web sites, we found them more ready to advertise openly.

The initial web site was www.internationalcomputerbrokers.com and this became very successful.  The idea was to provide a “one-stop” shop for large volume traders, so they could advertise their services and post either their stock availability or stock requirements on the trading board.  The web site included an area for news and related services such as inspection, freight forwarders, banks, solicitors, phone services, insurance, corporate entertainment, credit checking, federations, security, due diligence experts, retail, trade fairs and links to important web sites such as HMRC and Immobilise.  Advertisers pay a monthly fee to be featured on the web site.

Once the web site had become established, and as a result of the growth in the mobile phone trading market, we launched an additional web site specifically for mobile phones www.internationalphonetraders.com in August 2002.  Additional domain names were purchased to establish a more memorable brand.  These were www.ipt.cc and www.icb.cc.

In 2005, we launched an additional web site www.igt.cc to cater for traders of Consumer Electronics like LCD TV, LED TV, Games Consoles, IPods, Cameras, Printers and more - IGT.